Tips for Beautiful Skin and Hair

1. Exercise daily without fail

2. Take at least 7 to 8 hours sleep. Avoid cell phones in the night before going to sleep

3. Drink lots of water during day

4. Eat fruit a day as they play important role

5. Salad plays important role

6. Have natural seeds during day

7. Eat nuts which are important

8. Convert 3 meals into 6 meals

9. Eat Flax Seeds 1 to 2 TBSP in the morning

10. Drink coconut water in the morning

11. Chia Seeds 2 to 3 TSP in 1 ltr of water any time during day helps to glow skin and keep hair beautiful

12. Add Green leafy vegetables to your meals

To know more call 9869192070 Dieticianinsantacruz Geetanjali