Diet for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Diet and exercise are important parts of managing PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). This is because young women with PCOS often have higher levels of insulin (a hormone) in their blood, and many have trouble maintaining a healthy weight.

Knowing the right foods to eat as well as the kinds of food to limit can improve the way you feel. It will also help you lose weight. Eating well, staying active, and maintaining a healthy weight (or losing even a small amount of weight if you’re overweight) can improve PCOS symptoms.

Nutritious diet given by Reg Dietician Geetanjali Ahuja Mengi will also help to reduce the risk of developing symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, including weight management and helping to regulate insulin levels.

We at Gmn Clinic take certain body measurements to see if you are overweight, underweight or carrying excess weight around the middle. This is so they can build a realistic, effective nutrition programme including a tailored PCOS Diet, unique for you. This may involve you providing a food diary.

You will be asked to record everything you have consumed over a period of time before or during the sessions, with details of your moods and menstrual cycle included.

Among the various topics about women, which remain a taboo in our society, PCOS is a glaringly painful health problem which should not be ignored.

PCOS is not something that should be taken easily as it is directly linked to women’s lifestyle. At Our Geetanjali medical nutrition Clinic, Our PCOS Expert Geetanjali Mengi with 20 yrs of Exp opines that one out of every three women have PCOS.

A proper balanced PCOS diet plays a very crucial role in the management of PCOS, not only for weight loss and maintenance, but also to regulate the insulin levels.

Our Geetanjali medical nutrition clinic PCOS dietician recommends a low GI diet of wholegrain, unprocessed food for the management of PCOS.