The Power of Plant-Based Diets: Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Historically, India has been a proponent of a plant-based diet. Over the ages, an array of edible plants has found its way into Indian kitchens and established themselves as inseparable daily diet elements. Over the years, medical practitioners around the globe have been propagating the benefits of a plant-based diet while reducing meat intake.

Power of plant based diet for healthy life and for weight loss

Many celebrities and commoners worldwide are turning to this diet daily. Whether you’re against animal slaughter for meat, advocating a healthier lifestyle, or looking to reduce weight, a plant-based diet seems to be the “one-size-fits-all” remedy.

Reduce weight? Well, that rings a bell. And pretty loudly at that! It’s a pretty common – and deeply entrenched – belief Nutritionist in Mumbai, avoiding a meat-based diet is the best way to lose weight. Moreover, meat based diet is not healthy.  Plant-based diets bring you benefits in more ways than one – and losing weight is just one of them.

Benefits of Plant-Based Diets for Weight Loss & More

Are you keen on knowing more? Well then – read on.

A Plant-based Diet Strengthens Your Brain

Besides the physical benefits, a plant-based diet has something for your mental acumen, too. Add around 100 gm of vegetables and fruits to your daily diet, and see your chances of being impacted by dementia or Alzheimer’s go down by several percent. Thanks to the presence of polyphenols in them, fruits and vegetables considerably slow down your cognitive decline.

A Plant-based Diet Works Wonders for Cholesterol

Enhanced cholesterol levels ramp up the fat in your blood, thus slowing down blood flow and, in a worst-case scenario, leading to a heart attack. But follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, and you can reduce this risk by up to 25%! Fruits and vegetables fight the “bad cholesterols” in your blood and emerge as clear winners.

A Plant-based Diet Considerably Reduces the Threat of Stroke

Certain factors contribute to increasing the threat of stroke. Some of them are – obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol or blood pressure, excessive smoking and/or drinking, etc. A healthy lifestyle choice, aided by a diet based primarily on fruits & vegetables, almost wipes out the threat of stroke from the abovementioned factors.

Close to 50% of strokes can be prevented. Studies have shown that those who steadfastly follow a diet based on plants & vegetables can reduce their risk of stroke by more than 20%.

A Plant-based Diet Can Act as a Preventive Against Cancer

Cancer – the deadly “C” word! The word itself can send chills down your spine. Curable in very few instances, it’s a much better proposition to try & prevent this potentially fatal disease. But can plant-based diets play a role here as well?

Yes they can, as research suggests. Prominent institutes working in this domain suggest the intake of cancer-protective nutrients to ensure this prevention. The diet for this purpose must be heavy in minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals, and fiber. And this diet should be a healthy blend of fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, nuts, and grains. Cancer survivors – those fortunate souls – need also to follow this diet strictly.

The eminent Cancer Management and Research journal featured an article that elaborated on the cancer-protective features of plant-based diets. Following this diet can reduce the threat of cancer by almost 10%. Plant-based food contains nutrients that can build a strong immunity against this deadly ailment.

A Plant-based Diet Can Increase Your Longevity

Simply living longer is not what we look forward to. We look forward to living longer while maintaining good health. And if you follow a plant-based diet, you are well on the way to reducing your chances of mortality by 25%. This has been revealed by research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

This diet also substantially increases immunity levels. Consuming healthy plant foods like vegetables, whole grains, and fruits increases protection by at least 5 percent.

A Plant-based Diet Can Act Against Diabetes

Another disease that robs millions around the world of their nights’ sleep. Your diet has a direct bearing on type 2 diabetes. Even though overweight people are more prone to this disease – because fatty tissues create a barrier for the cells to absorb insulin – non-obese people can also fall prey to it.

High-quality plant-based diets can reduce the risk of contracting type 2 diabetes by more than 30%. Plants contain much less quantities of saturated fats than animal foods. These fats increase the cholesterol levels, thus making you more prone to type 2 diabetes.

A Plant-based Diet Can Ensure a Healthy Heart

Bring in the veggie diet & chuck out the meat – and you have reduced your risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases by over 15%! Plant-based diets are also anti-inflammatory – examples being yellow & leafy vegetables, tomatoes, fruits, whole grains, etc.

A Plant-based Diet Can Tackle Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause multiple more serious ailments. Plant-based diets help to reduce blood pressure, reducing your risk of falling prey to this disease by over 30%. So, stick to those veggie & fruity delights – you will be doing a great service to your health.

Plant-based Food that helps in Weight Loss

  • Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots eggplants
  • Berries, citrus, kiwi, grapes
  • Beans, nuts, legumes
  • Squash, peas, corn