Olive Oil
Olive plants grow mainly in the Mediterranean basin and olive oil is extracted from the fruit. It has a wide range of beneficial uses. It is used as a cooking oil, as a pharmaceutical, as a cosmetic, in soaps and creams, and as a fuel. This wonderful extract has worked magic in attaining a healthy living and can also cure you of certain disorders. Let us peek into the world of this lipid legend!
Health benefits
Olive oil is advised to be incorporated in the daily diet to control cholesterol, relieve constipation and aid in weight loss. It is also known to work as an aphrodisiac. The oil improves bone quality, nail growth and helps in development and luster of hair.
Benefits for the skin
It is used as an ingredient in makeup removers, soaps, and scrubs for better outcomes. Olive oil contains anti-ageing properties that are searched for by almost every middle-aged woman in a population. They are also used as moisturizers and for enhancing the skin quality.
How does it work against diseases?
Olive oil is rich in antioxidants like vitamin E, photo-nutrients (which act as anti-inflammatory agents), and it works as a preventive agent against cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, and similar diseases.
Lemon is another all-time favorite citric fruit, found in Asia in large quantities and qualities. It has many health benefits as well. Lemon is also a choice of the general population in both culinary and non-culinary units as preached by dietitiannutritionistincuffeparade
Why are lemons favourable?
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is much more than the daily consumable value. They are also packed with flavonoids, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, copper, and folates. Modestly, it can be assured that they work as anti-toxic and anti-infectious substances.
How lemons contribute to a healthy lifestyle?
Lemons help in breaking down free radicals, which, when more in number, can cause serious damage to blood vessels and cause cholesterol formation.
Its citrus quantity helps prevent acne, resulting in a healthy, glowing skin.
It helps in iron absorption due to its high content of vitamin C
It relieves problems related to indigestion and constipation.
It is used in hair care. It can treat dandruff, hair loss, and provide additional shine to the hair.
It is also good for throat infections, due to its functions as an antibiotic.
These two gifts from nature are so common to the human eye that we fail to provide them the importance they deserve. Nature has provided many such gifts to us. Open your eyes and start searching for more!